Technical approvals and certificates
Internal doors are provided with TECHNICAL APPROVAL AT 15-6159/2003 issued by Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (Building Technology Institute) on 30.12.2003 and also CERIFICATE OF HYGIENEHK/B/1737/01/98.
Cross sections
The door leaf is a sill of MDF board with a stick-on of coniferous wood coated with MDF board with a decorative cutter, completely filled in with isolation board which combined with two-row gasket system allows to achieve high parameters of acoustic isolation, Rw=32-36 dB.
Standard accessories
- normal key lock, bathroom lock or patent insert lock
- in case of rebate door leaves a gasket in rebate
- rebate door leaf is 42 mm thick, non-rebate flat one is 38 mm thick, casing one is 42 mm thick
- Hinges dependant on type of door leaf:
- rebate door leaf for regulated door frame – three spigot hinges, golden or chromic
- rebate door leaf for wall thick door frame – three spigot hinges regulated in three dimensions, golden or chromic
- rebate door leaf for steel door frame according to the Polish Norm (PN) – three spigot hinges according to PN, golden or chromic
- non-rebate door leaf for wall thick door frame – three bi-fold door leaf spigot hinges, golden or chromic